For more than 90 years, Keyaniyan Company has been a specialist in trading bakery seeds, dried fruit and nut kernels. In addition to a manageable core portfolio the Hamburg-based company is active in niches that only a few serve.
"We obtain our goods from 34 countries worldwide, this ranges from Turkey over California to China", explains Behnam Keyaniyan, owner Keyaniyan Company. "With this we cover for each of our products all relevant origins, even such exotic ones as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."
The cosmopolitan was literally given to him in the cradle: Since 1928 the name Keyaniyan stands for Persian merchant tradition in Hamburg and the trade in food raw materials. Since 1985 Behnam Keyaniyan holds the helm in the hand. His company supplies the bakery and confectionery industry, the handicrafts via the wholesale trade as well as industry. A decisive advantage when purchasing high quality raw materials Behnam Keyaniyan sees in the supplier network that has grown over decades, the knowledge of cultural characteristics and knowledge of many national languages.
"Political trade risks are growing, partly due to tariffs and state intervention, but also through embargoes such as against Russia." New risks would be the climatic changes. "Bad harvests
has always existed, but weather extremes are increasing and with them the risk of large-scale failures“, Keyaniyan said. „In order to be successful in the complex markets for food raw materials and to make optimal purchasing decisions today, you need market knowledge and extensive and timely information."
His company sees itself as a trading partner who through strategic risk management can minimize, delivery and exchange rate risks by supply alternatives in different countries. Sultanas, for example, handles the company not only from Turkey as the most important country of delivery, but also from South Africa, China and Afghanistan. Keyaniyan: "Afghan sultanas are characterised by a particularly fruity and fresh aroma, and e.g. towards Turkish sultanas they have lower pesticide levels".
As an IFS-certified company (Higher Level/Broker) the company works with fixed quality standards. "We act according to specification. Defined are e.g. the sensory values, the product-specific chemical-physical values and the microbiology". The company has analyses carried out by accredited laboratories such as SGS or Eurofins. The quality management, says Keyaniyan, take an ever larger importance.
GMO freedom is an integral part of every specification, as genetically modified products (GMO) are not permitted in Germany. Keyaniyan: "As a general rule, GMO can be controlled by eliminating special origins . Linseed used to come from Canada, today from Russia or Tajikistan, since there is no genetic manipulation be carried out."